The Future of HOMEstretch

3 years ago, HOMEstretch started as a company with two founders, one truck, and three offered services. Fast forward to 2023, HOMEstretch has added many new employees, trucks, service offerings and locations. Although franchising wasn’t necessarily a starting goal, we are excited to announce that HOMEstretch is launching franchise business opportunities!

Our focus for the future is to provide franchising opportunities to expand the home preparation market. HOMEstretch is unique in its ability of having such a strong business model that can be applied to many markets. We are currently seeking franchise owners to bring the values and services of HOMEstretch to the Midwest region. The combination of the HOMEstretch brand and its refined processes makes the opportunity a perfect fit for self-starters who are looking to lead a thriving business.

What is the franchising opportunity?

HOMEstretch provides multiple core service offerings under one brand. This bundled feature is a more attractive solution for clients and brings in multiple revenue streams for the business owner. A HOMEstretch franchise owner can also focus on executing a smaller number of jobs in a given month, versus other franchising opportunities that may require hundreds of jobs to achieve the same financial results.

As a franchisee, owners will receive necessary training and support to set up and operate their own successful HOMEstretch location. Franchise owners will attend multi-day in-person training, followed by all access to successful marketing strategies, innovative technology, and ongoing support from our experienced team. Franchise owners will have access to softwares, consultation tools, marketing materials, and receive helpful interaction and guidance from the HOMEstretch team.

We are looking for entrepreneurs and business owners who are fully committed to the success of our HOMEstretch brand. Additionally, we are looking for relationship builders who are passionate about networking and developing relationships in their community. We’re interested in organized problem solvers who love to learn and build, and owners that are committed to customer service, as our clients are the first priority. Successful franchise owners don’t necessarily need a background in construction or real estate, either!

The HOMEstretch brand is our biggest asset. The company has been positioned exclusively with realtors and clients who are moving to create a new space, the home preparation market. We are thrilled to expand our business through franchising opportunities, and can’t wait for the future of HOMEstretch!

Want to know more?

Get in touch ( or learn more on our franchise website linked below.


Press Release: Franchising


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